Our Mission

To provide quality, affordable and developmentally appropriate child care for Bergen County preschoolers whose parents work, attend school or are in a training program.

To provide a nurturing environment which helps each child develop emotionally, socially, physically, and intellectually while promoting independence and a desire to explore.

To inspire a love for learning and a desire for success.

Our Curriculum:

Language Arts

Development of language is stimulated through rhyming, poetry, storytelling, dramatic play, show & tell, songs, phonics, labeling, experience charts, circle time, field trips, and interaction with peers and adults.


Reading & Writing Readiness

Hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills are developed through tracing, lacing, tying, snapping, buttoning, using pegs, puzzles, cutting, finger painting, easel painting, drawing, and working with dough and clay.


Math skills developed are sorting, measurements, classification, counting, problem-solving, block building, cooking, spatial relationships, and sequencing.

Social Studies

Social skills are developed through dynamic play, dressing up, current events, socialization during meal times, circle time, songs, using puppets, learning about different cultures, and going on field trips.


Children are engaged in the study of nature, care of pets, weather, planting, cooking, and sensory experiences.

Computers & Music

Computer Technology: Interesting and challenging software programs are used to enrich the curriculum.

Music Movements: Music skills and music appreciation are developed through songs, dance, rhythm, musical instruments, marching circle time, and games.


Our Philosophy

We believe that education is a process in which children’s play is the main component.

Through play, children develop social, physical, emotional, and practical skills while cognitive functions such as problem-solving and language development are being fostered.

We meet the basic needs of each child by setting up an environment which is conducive to developing self-confidence, creative thinking, a feeling of pride and positive sense of individuality.

We encourage each child to become an independent being and to explore and question the world around him/her.

Visit Us:

School Address

Vincente K. Tibbs Child Development Center

183 William Street, Englewood, NJ 07631

Tel. (201)-568-3937

Fax. (201)-568-0434

School Hours

7:30 AM-5:30 PM